_ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ __| |_ __ ___ ___ | |___ _| |_ | '__/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| __\ \/ / __| | | | __/ (_| | (_| | | | | | | __/| |_ > <| |_ |_| \___|\__,_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___(_)__/_/\_\\__| readme.txt https://upjv.q4md-forcefieldtools.org/REDServer-Development/Documentation/readme.txt Documentation of February 2015 Last update of this documentation: December 10th, 2024 Always reload this file, when reading this file with a web browser to be sure to read the latest version! The Tripos Mol2 file format is not a correct input file format for PyRED! The P2N file format is not a correct input file format for PyRED! (Chemical equivalencing used in charge derivation is automatically carried out by PyRED: no need to execute Ante_RED.pl) Use instead the PDB file format as input file format: To be recognized a PDB input file must have a particular filename and the '.pdb' extension (see below)! DO NOT FORGET TO ADD THE HYDROGEN ATOMS IN THE PDB INPUT FILES IF NEEDED! All the chemical elements of the periodic table (but Francium & Radium) are handled by R.E.D.Server Development/PyRED Molecules with even and odd numbers of electrons are both handled by R.E.D. Server Development/PyRED Large molecules such as macromolecules, polymers or supramolecular systems are handled by R.E.D. Server Development/PyRED: such large molecular systems are not directly provided as inputs to R.E.D. Server Development/PyRED, but they are reconstructed from molecular fragments, which are generated from elementary building blocks or small input models with capping groups (with a number of atoms below 250) I. THE PDB FILE FORMAT USED BY PyRED Adaptation of https://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/file-format-content/format33/sect9.html COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "ATOM" or "HETATM" (lines starting with "ANISOU" are excluded) 7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number 13 - 16 Atom name Atom name 18 - 20 Residue name resName Residue name 23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number 31 - 38 Real(8.3) x Orth. coordinates for X in Angstroms 39 - 46 Real(8.3) y Orth. coordinates for Y in Angstroms 47 - 54 Real(8.3) z Orth. coordinates for Z in Angstroms 77 - 78 LString(2) element Element symbol, right-justified 79 - 80 LString(2) charge Charge on the atom Example of PDB input file composed of two conformations - requirements: - A conformation is introduced by the "MODEL" keyword with a conformation index, which is incremented: MODEL 1, MODEL 2, ... MODEL n. (the ENDMDL and TER keywords may be present, but are not read/used) - The different conformations must have the SAME atom order. - Two atoms belonging to the same residue cannot share the same name. Example: conformations 'anti' and 'gauche' of ethanol: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 -----|----| ---| --| ---| -------|-------|-------| -- MODEL 1 ATOM 1 C1 ETO 1 1.1645 -0.4192 0.0000 C ATOM 2 H11 ETO 1 2.1088 0.1164 0.0000 H ATOM 3 H12 ETO 1 1.1258 -1.0533 0.8786 H ATOM 4 H13 ETO 1 1.1258 -1.0533 -0.8786 H ATOM 5 C2 ETO 1 0.0000 0.5509 0.0000 C ATOM 6 H21 ETO 1 0.0488 1.1929 0.8777 H ATOM 7 H22 ETO 1 0.0488 1.1929 -0.8777 H ATOM 8 O3 ETO 1 -1.1890 -0.1968 0.0000 O ATOM 9 H3 ETO 1 -1.9331 0.3883 0.0000 H TER 10 ETO 1 ENDMDL MODEL 2 ATOM 1 C1 ETO 1 1.2090 -0.2365 -0.0192 C ATOM 2 H11 ETO 1 2.0673 0.4240 0.0606 H ATOM 3 H12 ETO 1 1.2684 -0.9569 0.7932 H ATOM 4 H13 ETO 1 1.2755 -0.7790 -0.9558 H ATOM 5 C2 ETO 1 -0.0899 0.5530 0.0449 C ATOM 6 H21 ETO 1 -0.1457 1.1129 0.9768 H ATOM 7 H22 ETO 1 -0.1315 1.2706 -0.7639 H ATOM 8 O3 ETO 1 -1.2219 -0.2625 -0.1100 O ATOM 9 H3 ETO 1 -1.2727 -0.8706 0.6144 H ENDMDL For a molecule, columns 79-80 may be used to provide charge(s) on atom(s) (two characters; example: 1-, 1+, 2+ ...): by summing these charges PyRED calculates the molecule total charge value, which is required in QM geometry optimization/ MEP computation. The molecule total charge value can also be provided by using the "MOLECULE'n'-TOTCHARGE" keyword ('n' = molecule index) in the 'Project.config' file. If different total charge values are determined from the PDB input file and from the 'Project.config' file, the value defined in the 'Project.config' file is the one, that is used (update Sept. 2024). Example: ethanolate: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 -----|----| ---| --| ---| -------|-------|-------| -- HETATM 1 C1 ETO 1 1.2090 -0.2365 -0.0192 C HETATM 2 H11 ETO 1 2.0673 0.4240 0.0606 H HETATM 3 H12 ETO 1 1.2684 -0.9569 0.7932 H HETATM 4 H13 ETO 1 1.2755 -0.7790 -0.9558 H HETATM 5 C2 ETO 1 -0.0899 0.5530 0.0449 C HETATM 6 H21 ETO 1 -0.1457 1.1129 0.9768 H HETATM 7 H22 ETO 1 -0.1315 1.2706 -0.7639 H HETATM 8 O3 ETO 1 -1.2219 -0.2625 -0.1100 O1- Total charge value of ethanolate = -1 Example: Zwitterion of Glycine at pH = 7: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 -----|----| ---| --| ---| -------|-------|-------| -- ATOM 1 N GLY 1 -1.920 0.218 -0.068 1.00 0.00 N1+ ATOM 2 HN1 GLY 1 -2.792 -0.255 0.051 1.00 0.00 H ATOM 3 HN2 GLY 1 -1.850 0.559 -1.006 1.00 0.00 H ATOM 4 HN3 GLY 1 -1.867 0.986 0.571 1.00 0.00 H ATOM 5 CA GLY 1 -0.817 -0.716 0.196 1.00 0.00 C ATOM 6 HA1 GLY 1 -0.892 -1.087 1.218 1.00 0.00 H ATOM 7 HA2 GLY 1 -0.874 -1.553 -0.500 1.00 0.00 H ATOM 8 C GLY 1 0.499 -0.003 0.017 1.00 0.00 C ATOM 9 O GLY 1 1.652 -0.663 0.208 1.00 0.00 O ATOM 10 OXT GLY 1 0.516 1.164 -0.299 1.00 0.00 O1- Total charge value of the zwitterion of Glycine = 0 The chemical element columns (right justified columns 77-78; 1 or 2 characters) allows differentiating atoms with ambiguous atom names: i.e. Ca (Calcium), Cd (Cadmium), Ce (Cerium), Cl (Chlorine) versus C (carbon) or Na (sodium), Nb (Niobium), Nd (Neodymium), Ni (Nickel) versus N (Nitrogen) or Si (Silicium), Sc (Scandium), Se (Selenium), Sn (Tin) versus S (Sulfur) or Pd (Palladium), Pt (Platinium), Pa (Protactinium) versus (Phosphorus) etc... See examples below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 -----|----| ---| --| ---| -------|-------|-------| ---- ATOM 1 CA GLY 1 1.218 -0.218 -0.000 C -> This case corresponds to an alpha-carbon atom with the CA atom name ATOM 1 CA1 UNK 1 1.218 -0.218 -0.000 Ca2+ ATOM 1 CA2 UNK 1 3.218 -0.218 -0.000 2+ -> These cases correspond to two calcium atoms with the CA1 and CA2 atom names in a single residue ATOM 1 NA MOL 1 1.218 -0.218 -0.000 N -> This is a nitrogen atom with the NA atom name within the MOL residue ATOM 1 NA NA1 1 1.218 -0.218 -0.000 Na1+ ATOM 1 NA NA1 2 3.218 -0.218 -0.000 1+ -> These correspond to two sodium atoms with the NA atom name in two different residues The set of "CONECT" keywords is used ONLY if the "MOLECULE'n'-CALCONECT = OFF" keyword (which is defined in the 'Project.config' file; 'n' = molecule index) is used. Below is an example of PDB input file for Ethanol, which shares a single set of "CONECT" keywords for the two reported conformations with identical atom orders (the elements and charges on atoms are not provided because optional, and Cartesian coordinates with 4 digits after the decimal point are used). MODEL 1 HETATM 1 C1 ETH 1 1.1645 -0.4192 0.0000 HETATM 2 H11 ETH 1 2.1088 0.1164 0.0000 HETATM 3 H12 ETH 1 1.1258 -1.0533 0.8786 HETATM 4 H13 ETH 1 1.1258 -1.0533 -0.8786 HETATM 5 C2 ETH 1 0.0000 0.5509 0.0000 HETATM 6 H21 ETH 1 0.0488 1.1929 0.8777 HETATM 7 H22 ETH 1 0.0488 1.1929 -0.8777 HETATM 8 O3 ETH 1 -1.1890 -0.1968 0.0000 HETATM 9 H3 ETH 1 -1.9331 0.3883 0.0000 MODEL 2 HETATM 1 C1 ETH 1 1.2090 -0.2365 -0.0192 HETATM 2 H11 ETH 1 2.0673 0.4240 0.0606 HETATM 3 H12 ETH 1 1.2684 -0.9569 0.7932 HETATM 4 H13 ETH 1 1.2755 -0.7790 -0.9558 HETATM 5 C2 ETH 1 -0.0899 0.5530 0.0449 HETATM 6 H21 ETH 1 -0.1457 1.1129 0.9768 HETATM 7 H22 ETH 1 -0.1315 1.2706 -0.7639 HETATM 8 O3 ETH 1 -1.2219 -0.2625 -0.1100 HETATM 9 H3 ETH 1 -1.2727 -0.8706 0.6144 CONECT 1 4 5 2 3 CONECT 2 1 CONECT 3 1 CONECT 4 1 CONECT 5 7 8 1 6 CONECT 6 5 CONECT 7 5 CONECT 8 5 9 CONECT 9 8 Remarks: -1- The chemical elements are not provided in the example above because they are unambigously deduced from the atom names. No charge on atoms is also provided. -2- Cartesian coordinates with 4 digits after the decimal point are used for a better accuracy. -3- For organic molecules it is recommended NOT to include the 'CONECT' keywords in the PDB input files. Indeed if "MOLECULE'n'-CALCONECT = ON" is used, PyRED computes the atom connectivities. When studying a bioinorganic complex, providing the 'CONECT' keywords in the PDB input file may be suitable ("MOLECULE'n'-CALCONECT = OFF") to force the use of 'long' bonds between the metal center and its organic ligands in the force field library (mol2 output file). Another approach is to the modify the value of the "'METAL'-RAD4TOP" keyword ('METAL' = element in capital letters in the 'Project.config' file). See https://upjv.q4md-forcefieldtools.org/REDServer-Development/Documentation/Project.config https://upjv.q4md-forcefieldtools.org/Tutorial/Tutorial-4.php#II4 -4- The chemical elements of the molecule(s) involved in force field generation can be checked by the owner of a job after submission once the job runs by looking at the temporary PyRED journal log file available from the qstat interface (click on the Job ID at https://cluster.q4md-forcefieldtools.org/qstat/qstat.php) If a chemical element is found not correct the owner of a job can kill her/his job at https://upjv.q4md-forcefieldtools.org/REDServer-Development/delete-log.php and resubmit her/his job after having corrected the wrong element(s) in the PDB input file(s). -5- We do work on the automatic correction of erroneous PDB input files: corrections are achieved by the PBS script (which is regularly updated): Please, compare the Mol_red'n'.pdb and the Mol_red'n'.pdb-ArchiveFile files to study the adaptations, which are automatically done. II. THE DIFFERENT MODES OF EXECUTION OF PyRED II.1 If OPT_Calc = ON, MEPCHR_Calc = ON (and Re_Fit = OFF): Just provide a list of PDB input input files with the following names - one PDB input file per molecule (a PDB file may contain several conformations): Mol_red'n'.pdb ('n' is the molecule index, which is incremented 'n' starts at 1 and not at 0) Please note the uppercase of the first letter of the filename and the underscore '_' character (on Linux the case of the letters matters) See examples below: Example 1: a single PDB input file is provided: This corresponds to a single molecule job Mol_red1.pdb Example 2: five consecutive PDB input files are provided: this job involves five molecules Mol_red1.pdb Mol_red2.pdb Mol_red3.pdb Mol_red4.pdb Mol_red5.pdb Example 3: This job involves only three molecules: three consecutive PDB input files Mol_red1.pdb Mol_red2.pdb Mol_red3.pdb Mol_red5.pdb (is not used as input by PyRED because Mol_red4.pdb is not found) II.2 If OPT_Calc = OFF, MEPCHR_Calc = ON (and Re_Fit = OFF): For each PDB input file at least one QM geometry optimization file (obtained by using a QM program such as Gaussian/GAMESS/Firefly) has to be given: this output file is used as input by PyRED Thus the different conformations of a molecule are provided in: - a single PDB input file, and in - different QM geometry optimization output files used as inputs by PyRED Please note the uppercase of the first letter of each filename, as well as the underscore '_' and the hyphen-minus '-' characters See examples below: Example 1: This corresponds to a single conformation - single molecule job: Mol_red1.pdb Mol_red1-1.log Example 2: This job involves five molecules Mol_red1.pdb Mol_red1-1.log (1 conformation) Mol_red2.pdb Mol_red2-1.log Mol_red2-2.log (2 conformations) Mol_red3.pdb Mol_red3-1.log (1 conformation) Mol_red4.pdb Mol_red4-1.log (1 conformation) Mol_red5.pdb Mol_red5-1.log Mol_red5-2.log Mol_red5-3.log (3 conformations) Each PDB input file and its corresponding QM geometry optimization output(s)/inputs for PyRED must have the SAME atom order The following file formats for the Gaussian/GAMESS/Firefly geometry optimization output files are expected by PyRED: The Gaussian geometry optimization output: Entering Gaussian System [...] Stationary point found [...] Input orientation 'or' Standard orientation [...] Normal termination The GAMESS or Firefly/PC-GAMESS geometry optimization output: [...] GAMESS VERSION = 'or' Firefly Project homepage [...] EQUILIBRIUM GEOMETRY LOCATED [...] COORDINATES OF ALL ATOMS ARE [...] TERMINATED NORMALLY Remark: Up to 3 different QM output files can be concatenated in a Mol_red'n'-'i'.log file ('n' and 'i' are the molecule and conformation indexes): 1- The geometry optimization file, which provides the required Cartesain coordinates involved in MEP computation 2- A frequency job, which provides the frequencies that can be analyzed with the Jmol applets 3- A single point energy computation using a high theory level, which can be involved in dE(QM) versus dE(MM) energy comparison (between conformations) II.3 If Re_Fit = ON: If Re_Fit = ON (OPT_Calc = OFF and MEPCHR_Calc = OFF are forced) A previous job has to present in the working directory: Data of this previous job are located in the directory defined by the DIR variable (see the 'System.config' file). III. THE System.config FILE The System.config file only contains plain text (no rich text file format) It has to be prepared using a text editor such as vi, gedit, nedit, geany or the notepad Please note the uppercase of the first letter of the filename The presence of the 'System.config' file in the working directory is not mandatory Keywords provided in the 'System.config' file are related to the tasks performed by the PyRED program. Adding the 'System.config' file in the working directory allows overwriting the default tasks (OPT_Calc = ON, MEPCHR_Calc = ON, Re_Fit = OFF, etc...) carried out by PyRED In the absence of the 'System.config' file PyRED can still be executed However, in this case only default tasks are carried out by PyRED See https://upjv.q4md-forcefieldtools.org/REDServer-Development/Documentation/System.config Combining the 'REMARK SYSTEMCFG' keywords and keywords, which are defined in the System.config file, in the Mol_red'n'.pdb input files, allows bypassing the use of a System.config file in the archive file. Thus, if a single PDB input file is needed for a PyRED job, a user can directly submit this PDB input file as an archive file without the need of the Project.config/System.config files. Example: REMARK SYSTEMCFG OPT_Calc = ON2 REMARK SYSTEMCFG MEPCHR_Calc = ON REMARK SYSTEMCFG Freq_Calc = ON REMARK SYSTEMCFG CHR_TYP = RESP-X1 REMARK SYSTEMCFG METHOD_OPTCALC = B3LYP REMARK SYSTEMCFG BASSET_OPTCALC = 6-31+G(d,p) REMARK SYSTEMCFG METHOD_MEPCALC = Default REMARK SYSTEMCFG BASSET_MEPCALC = Default [ atom indexes and names, residue name(s) and number(s), X Y Z Cart. coordinates, and chemical elements to the PDB file format ] IV. THE Project.config FILE The Project.config file only contains plain text (no rich text file format) It has to be prepared using a text editor such as vi, gedit, nedit, geany or the notepad Please note the uppercase of the first letter of the filename The presence of the 'Project.config' file in the working directory is not mandatory Keywords provided in the 'Project.config' file are related to the molecules involved in the PyRED job Adding the 'Project.config' file in the working directory allows modifying the default information/keyword (molecule total charge, spin multiplicity, title, etc...) about the molecules involved in the PyRED job In the absence of the 'Project.config' file PyRED can still be executed However, in this case only default information about the molecules involved in the PyRED job are used See https://upjv.q4md-forcefieldtools.org/REDServer-Development/Documentation/Project.config Combining the 'REMARK PROJECTCFG' keywords and keywords, which are defined in the Project.config file, in the Mol_red'n'.pdb input files, allows bypassing the use of a Project.config file in the archive file. Thus, if a single PDB input file is needed for a PyRED job, a user can directly submit this PDB input file as an archive file without the need of the Project.config/System.config files. Example: REMARK REMARK SYSTEMCFG OPT_Calc = ON REMARK SYSTEMCFG MEPCHR_Calc = ON REMARK SYSTEMCFG Freq_Calc = ON REMARK SYSTEMCFG MOD_GAUSSIAN_JOB = Complex REMARK SYSTEMCFG CHR_TYP = RESP-X1 REMARK SYSTEMCFG METHOD_OPTCALC = B3LYP REMARK SYSTEMCFG BASSET_OPTCALC = 6-31+G(d,p) REMARK SYSTEMCFG METHOD_MEPCALC = B3LYP REMARK SYSTEMCFG BASSET_MEPCALC = cc-pVTZ SCRF(IEFPCM,Solvent=Ether) REMARK REMARK PROJECTCFG MOLECULE1-TITLE = [Heme(4-)_(Histidine)2_Fe(III)_complex]1- REMARK PROJECTCFG MOLECULE1-TOTCHARGE = -1 REMARK PROJECTCFG MOLECULE1-SPINMULT = 6 REMARK PROJECTCFG MOLECULE1-ATMREORDR = OFF REMARK PROJECTCFG MOLECULE1-INTRA-MCC1 = 0.0 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | Remove REMARK PROJECTCFG MOLECULE1-INTRA-MCC1 = 0.0 | 28 29 30 31 32 33 | Remove REMARK PROJECTCFG FE-RAD4TOP = 2.0 [ atom indexes and names, residue name(s) and number(s), X Y Z Cart. coordinates, and chemical elements to the PDB file format ] V. THE frcmod.user FILE The frcmod.user file only contains plain text (no rich text file format) It has to be prepared using a text editor such as vi, gedit, nedit, geany or the notepad Please note the absence of uppercase for the filename letters The frcmod file format belongs to AMBER See the AMBER documentation: https://ambermd.org/FileFormats.php The presence of the 'frcmod.user' file in the working directory is not mandatory The user can provide missing or mandatory force field parameters (i.e. these reported in the 'frcmod.unknown' file generated in a previous job) within the 'frcmod.user' file