On November 23, 2024, R.E.D.Server Dev. was attacked once again by a user!
Fortunately, the security script successfully blocked the attack.
To enhance server security, archive files are now either modified or removed if found uncorrect...

A user has to provide the login and password of her/his private account,
as well as the JOB NAME obtained from the qstat graphical interface to kill a job.

A job executed with the public account cannot be killed by a user - send us an email in that case.

After killing a job a user receives two emails, and can obtain the data corresponding to the killed job from the Download link.




Click _once_ on the 'OK' button, and
be patient i. e. wait about 10 sec.

Last update of this page: January 22th, 2025.

Université de Picardie Jules Verne. Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute.
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